

My late Dad

Leonard Lim


Hi, I am a Singaporean who loves watches, photography, nature and travel.

This blog is born out of COVID-19 as I spend more time indoors than outdoors and all business travel is suspended.

I have no intention to be a social media influencer or monetize any content. Just plain honest amateur sharing of some of my collection of watches, clocks and other stuff . This blog also serves as my own personal memoirs and online personal museum as memory fades with age.

I will skip the well-known watches in my blog and focus on what I feel are hidden gems, under-appreciated, or quirky ones that appeal to me and that I’ve owned.

My sharing will be organized around a few common points such as:

Every Watch has a Story

Some collectors like myself are drawn to the story or heritage behind the watch. Or simply put, Every Watch has a Story; whether by its maker or owner, including the emotions or feelings that the watch evokes by seeing, touching or wearing.

On the Wrist

Watches are for wearing and enjoying the time on the wrist and NOT safe-queen investments. If you can sell your watch and make a little money, treat it as a bonus.

Quick sharing of impressions on the wrist. This includes likes and dislikes, whether it is an attention magnet or understated, versatility, and perceived quality.

Do not expect timegrapher accuracy tests and technical mumbo-jumbo .

Fast Facts

Lastly, more for my own quick reference are the technical specifications that matter to me for record purposes. I guess this comes from my penchant for specifications since young as my favorite card game was Top Trumps.

“Collector’s Genes” inherited from my Father

My appreciation for good hand craftsmanship and beauty has no doubt been heavily influenced by my late father who had an eye for collecting wood carvings (mostly elephants), furniture, beautiful vases and paintings. My father also collected old magazines, stamps and coins; which other the potential monetary value, never really attracted me. Helping my sisters pack Dad’s stuff, I’ve kept a couple of things in memory of him.

Instead of collecting stamps and coins like my Dad, I have my collection of old transportation tickets and hotel access cards from my 20 years of business travel, and lately from 2013, entered into the world of collecting interesting watches..

Click on My Watch Collection Journey if you want to know more of how I got into the hobby.

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